820 18th Avenue Seattle, Washington 98122
(206) 322-5970 ~ office@icseattle.org
Parish Family - St. James Cathedral and Christ Our Hope
Parishioners collaborate in the life of the parish by volunteering in various leadership roles from serving on the Pastoral Council to assisting at Mass, from forming other members in the faith to serving the broader community. Our faith deepens when we actively serve others.
Immaculate Conception provides faith formation opportunities for people of all ages
"For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved thru Him." John 3:17
See the NW Catholic Magazine on various related articles. See Archbishop Etienne's Statement on Racism.
Our Liturgy Commission works with Father Woody McCallister to guide and develop our liturgical celebrations in ways that are both traditional and contemporary. We celebrate the history of our church by recognizing the contributions of our ancestors of faith and the needs of today. Deacon Joseph Connor serves as the Chair of the Liturgy Commission with Fred Verzosa as Secretary.
The Eucharistic Liturgy forms the center of our life together as a community. We encourage people of all ages and experience to deepen their participation in the liturgy by taking on a liturgical role.
Music: Our Music Ministry has always held a place of honor and responsibility at Immaculate Conception Church. The music of this sacred space reflects our unity as a Universal Church. It is our mission to give glory and praise to God by leading the assembly in sung prayer. The Music Ministry is comprised of both volunteers and professional musicians dedicated to this mission. Parishioners are encouraged to join our choirs who lead our songs during our liturgies. Click here for more information.
Lector: Proclaiming the Word of God is a key way of entering into God's actions throughout history and today. A Lector proclaims the Scriptures at Mass and other services. To become a Lector, one must be a Confirmed Catholic, in good standing with the Church, commissioned and committed to a schedule. To volunteer contact Deacon Joseph.
Eucharistic Ministers: Sharing in the sacrifice of the Mass through the partaking of Christ's Body and Blood forms the center of our Celebration. Extraordinary Ministers of communion serve the body and blood of Christ at Mass and to the sick and homebound. Contact Se'Vera Dowe to volunteer to become a Eucharistic Minister of the body and blood. One must be fully initiated in the Church (have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation).
Altar Servers: Servers: 4th Grade students and older are encourage to assist in our celebration by
facilitating the actions of the service itself. From leading our procession, to preparing the
table, to ensuring our presiders have the right tools for the particular rite, our servers play a
key role in our celebration. If you are interested serving. please contact the parish office.
Greeters/Ushers: We are a welcoming community and no one typifies this better than our greeters who welcome visitors as they enter our church each Sunday, showing them to their seats. They pay special attention to newcomers and visitors, caring for the offertory gifts, take collections, distribute weekly bulletins and assist the priests as needed. If you like meeting new people and passionate about Immaculate Conception Church, we need you. Contact Andrea Bown to sign up and volunteer!
The Pastor works closely with parishioners to discern the direction of the parish, its goals, actions, and activities.
Pastoral Council: Members help set overall vision for the parish.
Chair: Maria Batayola <mbjumpstart@msn.com
Finance Council: Provides direction regarding parish finances.
Chair: Jane Powers, <jpowers@ewingandclark.com>
Faith Formation Commission
Health and Human Concerns Commission
Outreach Commission
Liturgy Commission
Knights & Ladies of St. Peter Claver
Court & Council 218 - Domicile Immaculate Conception Church
To find out more about the Knights and Ladies of St. Peter Claver, or for information on how to become a member, please visit http://www.kofpc.org.
Legion of Mary
The group's purpose is to work with ordinary Catholic parishioners to increase their faith through prayers and service with The Blessed Virgin Mary, our Patroness and Protector. Our Legion of Mary members have visited nursing homes and hospitals throughout Seattle's Central Area, assisting priests and bringing communion to Catholic residents as well as providing residents with rosaries, miraculous medals and prayer cards. Members have also made home visitations, bringing the Holy Eucharist to homebound, elderly and sick parishioners.
If you are interested in becoming a Legion of Mary member, please contact the parish office. The group meets every Sunday after 11:00AM Mass in the School Hall.
Saint Pedro Calungsod Guild
The Blessed Peter Calungsod Guild was established in March 12, 2005 in Immaculate Conception Parish and incorporated May 31, 2005 in the state of Washington. The Guild was founded for Filipino American Catholics to search, discover and discuss traditions, customs and changes in the American Catholic Church for practical Christian living. Peter Calungsod is the 2nd saint in Catholic history of Filipino origin and the first being St. Lorenzo Ruiz of Manila.
If you would like to join the Guild, please contact the parish office. More informatin can be found at www.facebook.com/pages/Blessed-Peter-Calungsod-Guild/354554067921781
St Vincent de Paul Society:
We have a dedicated group of Vincentians who look forward to serving our neighbors in their time of need. If you feel called to help others, please consider joining us at our meetings to learn more about how St. Vincent de Paul helps in our community. The group meets every 2nd and 4th Sunday before the 11:00AM Mass in the St. Vincent de Paul Room of the rectory basement.
Thank you for your help over the years and for contributing to our Conference by using your envelopes. Your financial support gives us the ability to assist people with rent, utility bills, food, medicine and other needs and we appreciate your willingness to help.
If you, or someone you know is in need of assistance, please contact our helpline at 206.767.6449